This is a journal of my path through life ..... the ups ....... the downs ...... the questions ....... the possible answers .......

Sunday 9 October 2011

Blog on the move ......

So many people emailed to say that they found it nigh on impossible to join this blog or leave a comment that I decided to move the whole thing to a new more user friendly site:

Please go there and take a look.  As always any comments are more than welcome!

Thursday 6 October 2011

3) Puzzling?

Over the years I have attended countless awareness groups, workshops, lectures and circles in my quest to perfect my link with spirit.

My ideal  link would be in the manner of a telephone call ... "Hello, may I ask whose calling?"  would be my opening line and I would hope for a response that would be along the lines of "Hello,  I am Bobs sister, my name is Hayley Brown, I was 23 years old when I passed to spirit on 18th October 1996, I had been in a car accident whilst on holiday in Majorca, I was 5' 6", very slim, very short blonde hair, green eyes, I loved to snorkel and played a guitar, my Mother was Ivy and she is here with me now."

Wouldn't that be wonderful, to receive such clarity, such overwhelming evidence from spirit, just like that?  Within a few moments you could pretty much guarantee that the information would be accepted.  But, for me at least, it's not like that, I have to use so many different senses to extract as much information as possible.

I never know if  my first impression will be hearing, seeing, knowing, sensing or even smelling or a mixture of any of these. I am rarely told or shown who the recipient is either. The information I receive doesn't seem to follow any set pattern, so for one link I may be shown a map and then it will zoom in to an area or even a town, another time the first thing I may notice is a wonderful smell of coffee or a favourite perfume.

On one particular occasion whilst demonstrating to a small group I had nothing except the song Forever and Ever being played over and over in my head, and not knowing who had sang it, or even the title of the song, I had no option but to impress my audience with a very poor rendition of Demiss Roussos.   They say that laughter lifts the energy and there was certainly a lot of laughter after that!  Thankfully the song meant an enormous amount to a lady and along with other evidence that I could give her she was very happy that her Mum was with us in spirit that evening.

Worse still was when all I felt was the way someone danced.  Imagine the embarrasment of having to stand up in front of people and start dancing in a very peculiar manner, hoping that someone would (very quickly) recognise who was coming through.  Thankfully someone accepted this straight away.

No matter what I try to do, it is as if I have to give out that first piece of information before I am 'fed' the next piece of the puzzle. If I try to ignore the first impression I just get stuck and can rarely go any further with the reading, so I have to say or show what I am impressed with before the next piece arrives which will invariably be something totally different, using various senses and so on.

Teachers have advised me to always ask for certain pieces of information, the relationship to the recipient for example, but even when I ask I am then impressed with something totally different, which could be a picture of an old blue car, a smell of burning rubber or all I will feel is that this spirit loved to cycle everywhere!

So, why does this happen? Why is there not a set of rules that spirit is aware of, that they could all adhere to? Why make life so tricky for us who are trying to work with spirit? It seems to me that everyone I meet works in a different way with their guides, helpers or loved ones, in fact whoever is helping them, spirit-side, with their ongoing development of their relationship with spirit.

A standard spiritual curriculum would be jolly handy.  As in our academic schools, whichever school a child attends, the parents know that the teaching method will be pretty much the same, the syllabus will be followed.  If we are taught to bake a cake we all know that there is a customary set of ingredients and a well tried and tested recipe for what you do to achieve the best results.  

So for me, for the time being, I just try to gather all the pieces of the puzzle, by whichever method is available to me at the time, and with my fingers firmly crossed, hope that someone (anyone!) can take the information and will understand.

Monday 3 October 2011

2) Synchronicity strikes again!

Its funny how we sometimes think that things in life happen by sheer coincidence, but I know that this often isn't the case and that in some far away place, there are plans that are put into action to ensure that we experience just what we need when we most need it.

Today, for example, a friend from Dorset, who I haven't seen for almost a year, rang me out of the blue.  Well, funnily enough, my husband and I are going down to Dorset this Friday for a long weekend, and we have now arranged to meet our friend whilst we are there.

I know that my friend is a spiritual person, and like many others he has spent many years trying to find his exact spiritual niche on his path through life.  The last time we met he was heavily involved in healing, both spiritual and reiki (which many consider are the same anyway), but he wasn't so interested in mediumship per se.

In the last few months I have been drawn more and more to the possibility that I may be being prepared to carry out trance work.  Only last week at my regular Tuesday evening circle another medium gave me the message that spirit may also wish to use me for physical mediumship.

When my friend rang he sounded quite excited and went on to tell me how his mediumship has been moving forward at breakneck speed since the beginning of the year. He has been going to three circles a week.  He goes to a spiritual class on a Monday, attends a trance circle on a Wednesday and has been working at a physical circle on a Friday!

I am absolutely sure that our chat will shed an enormous amount of light on my future pathway and I hope that it will enlighten him too as we will be able to compare notes, so to speak.

Whenever I feel that synchronicity has played its role in bringing an experience forward, I always like to acknowledge that I am aware of the wonders of the planning that must take place, and also thank spirit for assisting us in their subtle ways.

Sunday 2 October 2011

1) A massive leap!

To regular bloggers I expect this is easy, but as a virgin blogger this feels like opening my heart to the world.

What gives me the strength to bare my soul and share my deepest thoughts is that I know that I really am walking through this earthly life hand in hand with spirit.

I use the words 'I know' and not 'I believe' because to me the difference is so incredibly important.  Belief can be more of a hopeful word, a word that is used sometimes almost in desperation, it is putting faith in someone or something, but we all know that believing in something doesn't necessarily mean that it is true, or that it is going to happen.

Knowing ...... really knowing, is a certainty, a definite, is unwavering, cannot be changed or altered.  I know from my experiences with spirit, from my earliest memories when I was a small child, to the mature woman I am today, that they do indeed walk with me, hand in hand.

So, today, this is the beginning of a new way of keeping a journal of my experiences and involvement with both spirit and my wonderful earthly friends and soul mates who journey with me and share the ups and downs of life.