This is a journal of my path through life ..... the ups ....... the downs ...... the questions ....... the possible answers .......

Monday 3 October 2011

2) Synchronicity strikes again!

Its funny how we sometimes think that things in life happen by sheer coincidence, but I know that this often isn't the case and that in some far away place, there are plans that are put into action to ensure that we experience just what we need when we most need it.

Today, for example, a friend from Dorset, who I haven't seen for almost a year, rang me out of the blue.  Well, funnily enough, my husband and I are going down to Dorset this Friday for a long weekend, and we have now arranged to meet our friend whilst we are there.

I know that my friend is a spiritual person, and like many others he has spent many years trying to find his exact spiritual niche on his path through life.  The last time we met he was heavily involved in healing, both spiritual and reiki (which many consider are the same anyway), but he wasn't so interested in mediumship per se.

In the last few months I have been drawn more and more to the possibility that I may be being prepared to carry out trance work.  Only last week at my regular Tuesday evening circle another medium gave me the message that spirit may also wish to use me for physical mediumship.

When my friend rang he sounded quite excited and went on to tell me how his mediumship has been moving forward at breakneck speed since the beginning of the year. He has been going to three circles a week.  He goes to a spiritual class on a Monday, attends a trance circle on a Wednesday and has been working at a physical circle on a Friday!

I am absolutely sure that our chat will shed an enormous amount of light on my future pathway and I hope that it will enlighten him too as we will be able to compare notes, so to speak.

Whenever I feel that synchronicity has played its role in bringing an experience forward, I always like to acknowledge that I am aware of the wonders of the planning that must take place, and also thank spirit for assisting us in their subtle ways.


  1. I know that this is the right path for you and thank you so much for sharing it with everyone. Brilliant Tish, look forward to the next episonde of your journey. xx

  2. all happening then . waiting for the next installment already :) xx

  3. First, LOVE the blog and so excited for you to be doing this!! We can learn together. :) I did a full trance for the first time Friday. My writing guide has been pulling me in that direction. I never thought I'd go down this road but, here I am! lol Follow your inner guidance as it will take you on the path that's meant for you... xx
